Monday, June 27, 2011

Lorenso Berharap Simoncelli dapat Hukuman

Assen - Jorge Lorenzo marah besar dengan Marco Simoncelli usai MotoGP Belanda. Rider Yamaha itu pun minta Simoncelli dihukum karena berpotensi membahayakan pembalap lain.

Dalam balapan yang juga disaksikan langsung oleh wartawan detikSport Rossi Finza Noor yang diundang ke Assen oleh PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia, Simoncelli yang start dari posisi terdepan, kehilangan kendali motornya pada lap pertama dan terjatuh.

Jatuhnya pembalap San Carlo Honda Gresini tersebut ikut berdampak buruk untuk Lorenzo yang ada di sisinya. Lorenzo ikut terjatuh dan keduanya berakhir di tepi lintasan.

Baik Lorenzo maupun Simoncelli akhirnya memang bisa melanjutkan balapan kendati kehilangan waktu berharga. Lorenzo finis keenam sedangkan Simoncelli di posisi sembilan.

"Anda tidak perlu melihat tayangan ulangnya. Aku melihatnya secara live saat di atas motorku. Dan ia memang tidak sengaja membuatku terjatuh, tapi tampaknya ia tidak banyak berpikir," sungut Lorenzo seperti dikutip Autosport.

"Aku pikir ia sudah belajar dari segala kontroversi yang ia ciptakan di masa lalu, tapi jelas-jelas tidak demikian," ceplosnya lagi.

Gaya membalap Simoncelli sebelum ini memang sudah menuai kritik karena dinilai terlalu agresif. Terlebih ia pernah terlibat insiden serupa yang bikin Dani Pedrosa dari Honda cedera.

"Ia masih serampangan seperti biasanya dan untungnya aku tidak cedera, aku baik-baik saja dan bisa mengais sedikit angka. Tapi jujur saja jika ia tidak mengubah sikapnya, di masa depan ia akan bikin pembalap lain cedera."

"Jika aku berada di komite keamanan (pembalap), aku akan mencabut lisensinya untuk beberapa balapan, tapi aku hanya seorang pembalap dan aku tidak punya kuasa membuat keputusan tersebut," cetus Lorenzo.

Dewi persik Buktikan Operasi Keperawanan

Jakarta Beberapa waktu yang lalu pedangdut Dewi Persik mengaku telah melakukan operasi keperawanan di Mesir. Banyak yang bilang pemilik goyang gergaji itu bohong. Ia pun membuktikan keasliannya.

Dewi pun membuktikannya saat menggelar jumpa wartawan untuk film terbarunya 'Pacar Hantu Perawan' di Platters, Setiabudi One, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (27/6/2011).

"Saya melakukan operasi virgin bukan omdo (omongan doang), tapi saya buktikan saya melakukannya. Saya tak bisa ditantang, apalagi dapat bayaran 1 M," ungkap mantan istri Saipul Jamil itu.

Ia memang mendapat tantangan untuk operasi tersebut dari sang produser film itu, KK Dheeraj. Ia pun dijanjikan uang Rp 1 miliar, jika berani melakukannya.

Dan, tampaknya Dewi berani membuktikan bahwa semua perkataannya soal operasi keperawanan adalah benar. Ia membawa bukti kepada KK Dheeraj berupa surat berisi keterangan dokter di Mesir.

"Masuknya pukul 04.58 pagi, tanggal 8 April 2011. Hampir satu minggu. Ada negatifnya," ungkap KK Dheeraj.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Simon merasa Puas Meski Dibekuk Lin Dan

Singapura - Simon Santoso sekali lagi harus mengakui keunggulan Lin Dan. Meski kalah, Simon mengaku tetap puas karena sudah berusaha sekuat tenaga sehingga mampu menyulitkan si pebulutangkis China.

Seperti dicatat situs resmi PBSI, belum satu kali pun Simon mampu mengalahkan Lin Dan dalam setiap pertemuan antara kedua pebulutangkis tersebut.

Pun demikian halnya saat mereka bertarung untuk satu tiket ke semifinal Singapura Terbuka Super Series 2011, Jumat (17/6/2011) malam WIB.

Simon sebenarnya tampil prima di set pertama sebelum akhirnya merebut kemenangan. Hal itu tak lepas dari ketepatan Simon menerapkan strategi dengan memperlambat tempo.

"Persiapan saya sebelum melawan dia adalah mengatasi permainan cepatnya. Saya tak mau terperangkap dan berusaha memperlambat tempo. Saya bermain lebih sabar, termasuk di depan net. Sementara Lin Dan tadi terlihat tidak sabar," ujarnya.

Akan tetapi, Simon gagal membendung Lin Dan di set kedua. Lewat smes-smes keras nan akurat, Lin Dan pun menyamakan kedudukan.

Di set ketiga, Lin Dan kembali tampil agresif dan membuat Simon tertekan. Simon sempat memperlihatkan kebangkitan dengan mengejar ketinggalan 15-20, tetapi Lin Dan-lah yang akhirnya memastikan kemenangan.

"Lin Dan merupakan pemain yang pandai mencari poin terutama di saat kritis. Dia bisa stabil, jarang membuat kesalahan. Mungkin inilah ciri-ciri pemain yang matang. Meskipun saya kalah hari ini, namun saya cukup puas dengan permainan saya karena kemampuan saya bisa dikeluarkan semua dan merepotkan Lin Dan," harap Simon.

Peredaran Foto Manohara Perbuatan Orang Usil

Jakarta Baru-baru ini beredar foto seksi Manohara bersama sang ibunda Daisy Fajarina. Daisy pun menganggap hal itu adalah buah pekerjaan orang usil.

"itu orang yang usil yang masukin ke internet," tuturnya saat berbincang melalu ponselnya, Jumat (17/6/2011).

Saat ditanya soal keaslian foto tersebut, Daisy enggan menjawabnya. Ia juga tak berminat mencari orang yang menyebarkan foto tersebut.

"Sudahlah, no comment yah jangan dilanjutkan lagi," tegasnya

Sikap Daisy, senada dengan sikap sang anak yang tidak mau membahas foto-foto seksi yang beredar di internet itu.
"Aku sudah tahu soal foto itu, tapi sudahlah jangan diperpanjang masalah foto itu," ungkap Manohara saat dihubungi melalui telepon.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

F1 minimal audience due to lack of promotion

Shanghai - Formula 1 does have a big audience on television. But the number of spectators present to watch directly into the circuit is still not as expected. One reason is the lack of promotion.

The number of F1 in the television audience tends to increase. As reported by the Sport Business, F1 show on the screen in 2008 reached 600 million or an increase of three million viewers from the previous year.

Meanwhile, the number of those who watch F1 in the 2010 season through the television hit record highs in many countries. As quoted from the official website of the number of spectator’s race F1 pole position, the number of spectators in Spain reached 7.4 million or a record high since Fernando Alonso became one candidate won in 2007.

In Germany, the number of audience reached 10.3 million. RTL broadcast media stating that the figure is influenced by Michael Schumacher's comeback. This figure rose to 12.1 million viewers when Sebastian Vettel became the world champion.

But once these conditions are not directly proportional to the number of viewers who watched live on the circuit. "When the stands are not filled in the appropriate amount of our expectations, but every time I come to the airport I always get a warm welcome," said the McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton was quoted as saying by Reuters.

While Red Bull team Principal Martin Whitmarsh said that this condition occurs because of lack of promotion conducted by the F1. "When you take a walk in the city of Shanghai and try to find other forms of promotion for the GP of China, I guess you would have difficulty in finding them," he's straightforward.

Whitmarsh said that the F1 has to work even harder to be able to capture the audience to come directly witness the champion pole action. Especially for the coming seasons, there are a number of new circuits that will be used such as in India, the United States, and Russia.

"Luckily we still have a fantastic number of television viewers. But we have to work harder especially in the new circuits to promote this sport," said Whitmarsh

"F1 should work harder than what we've done so far. I am not a sports promoter, I am just someone who works in an F1 team. But I think F1 should do something more to promote this sport, develop, and invest more in terms of promotion, "finished the man who is also chairman of the association of F1 team (FOTA) is.

Ascertained Berbatov can not play when facing Schalke

Manchester - Manchester United likely will be without striker Dimitar Berbatov in the face Schalke in the first leg semi-finals. The attacker was Bulgarian nationals are suffering from a groin injury.

As reported by The Sun, Berbatov was absent when Manchester United beat Everton in the Premier League last weekend.

30-year-old attacker did not appear with colleagues as his team on the flight to Germany today local time.

With the absence of Berbatov, The Red Devils will rely on the duo practically Wayne Rooney and Javier Hernandez. Although minimal striker, but the combination of the two strikers are okay showed a neat appearance along with Hernandez.

Continuing his career at Old Trafford Berbatov is still a question mark despite the concerned has shown improved performance. By contract, which only had one more year, Berba crowded speculated to be released at the end of this season.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Arsenal Terancam Kehilangan Nasri

London - Dua pemain tengah handal, Samir Nasri dan Cesc Fabregas sedang hangat dikait-kaitkan dengan klub di luar Arsenal. Namun The Gunners dinilai lebih baik kehilangan Cesc daripada kehilangan Nasri.

Arsenal terancam kehilangan Nasri karena sampai kini sang pemain belum sepakat dengan kontrak baru yang diajukan. Hal yang lebih pahit pemain muda Prancis itu tidak menutup kans hijrah ke rival sengit timnya, Manchester United.

"Setan Merah" jelas melihat peluang ini sebagai lampu hijau. Mengingat mereka kini tengah mencari sosok pemain sebagai suksesor Paul Scholes yang belum lama memutuskan gantung sepatu.

Sementara, Cesc masih terus dikaitkan dengan Barcelona kendati The Gunners menegaskan bahwa kaptennya itu akan dipertahankan. Pemuda Spanyol itu pun sampai saat ini masih menyimpan harapan agar bisa kembali ke klub idolanya itu.

Perry Groves, mantan pemain sepakbola memberikan komentarnya terhadap situasi yang kini terjadi di Arsenal yang pernah dibelanya pada 1986-1992 itu.

Menurut pendapat Groves, Arsenal sebaiknya melepas Cesc jika ada tawaran yang tinggi. Sebaliknya Nasri harus dipertahankan karena dia kini berpengaruh yang besar dalam permainan tim.

"Saya sebenarnya berpikir dia (Nasri) sekarang lebih penting daripada Cesc Fabregas untuk masa depan Arsenal," papar Groves kepada TalkSport.

"Jika Cesc ingin pergi ke Barcelona karena dia punya panggilan itu dan dia tidak 100 persen punya komitmen terhadap klub, selama Arsenal mendapat uang yang tepat untuk dia, apakah 40 juta pounds atau 50 juta pounds mereka bisa membeli pemain tengah yang agresif yang mereka butuhkan."

"Samir Nasri terlihat brilian di awal musim ketika dia dan Jack Wilshere menjadi pemain utama. Saya pikir dia sudah mencetak 10 atau 11 gol sebelum Natal. Dan ketika Cesc Fabregas kembali ke tim dia memainkan Nasri ke sisi kanan atau kini dia tidak terlalu berpengaruh."

"Kontrak dia (Nasri) tinggal setahun lagi jadi dia kini ingin menjadi salah satu penerima gaji tertinggi dan saya pikir dia juga mau jaminan di mana dia akan bermain jadi situasi ini berbahaya buat Arsenal,"ujar pria 46 tahun itu.

Cathy Sharon Memillih Gadget yang mendukung aktifitasnya

Jakarta, Pemain sinetron sekaligus presenter papa atas yang cantik dan masih muda berbakat in tidak bisa terlepas dari gadget yang mendukung aktifitasnya, Bekerja sebagai entertainer yang memiliki jadwal padat tak jarang membuat Cathy Sharon harus menyelesaikan beberapa pekerjaan sekaligus. Aktris dan presenter berusia 28 itu pun tak bisa jauh dari gadget.

"Saya sangat tertarik dengan salah satu benda yang kecil, ringan, dan useful, saya aktif di jejaring sosial seperti Twitter atau Facebook. Karena saya seorang yang sangat mobile, jadi saya memilih gadget yang mendukung aktivitas saya," ujarnya saat ditemui di The Glass House, Jalan Wijaya I, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (7/6/2011).

Bintang film 'Dawai 2 Asmara' itu juga sudah dua tahun menjadi duta sebuah produk gadget asal Taiwan. Pekerjaan tersebut membuat pengetahuan Cathy tentang teknologi semakin bertambah.

"Saya diajak ke Taipei dan dipertemukan dengan ambassador dari berbagai negara seperti India, dan kita berbagi pengalaman soal teknologi. Terkadang saya cuma memikirkan penampilan, mau warna apa ya, tapi ternyata juga harus diperhatikan fungsinya," tuturnya.

Cathy mengaku selalu menyisakan sedikit bagian dari penghasilannya untuk membeli gadget yang ia sukai. Ia juga selalu memantau produk-produk gadget yang baru keluar di pasaran.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ramadan Pohan Deliberately throwing Mr A to Divert Issues

Jakarta - Wasekjen Democratic Party (PD) Ramadan Pohan still reluctant to reveal who the identity of Mr A is meant. Ramadan statement about Mr A was allegedly only to divert the issue alone.

"This is an attempt to divert the issue, we'll see whether Sutan (DPP Chairman of the Democratic Party, Sutan Bhatoegana) managed to take Nazaruddin (former general treasurer Democrats) back to Indonesia," said political observer Ikrar Nusa Bakti of origin LIPI after discussion entitled 'Indonesia handcuffed Corruptor ', in RM stall Leaves, Jl Wolter Mongonsidi, South Jakarta, on Saturday (06/04/2011).

Pledge claimed not to know who the initials A, which is Ramadan as the initiator of destruction the Democratic Party. With the era that has been so open, Pledge suggests that not only accuses it of Ramadan.

"Ramadan Pohan is male, if not later as saying, who discards the seeds he is reaping the storm," said Pledge.

Ramadan Pohan mentions any political forces that want to destroy the PD. "We already know she's cadres initials A. He persuaded us that want to destroy the Democratic Party from within. But our cadres are sturdy foundation, so it does not succeed him. But at least we already know who he is," said Ramadan Pohan in the Parliament Building, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Wednesday (06/01/2011).

When urged to whom the original identity of A, Ramadan Pohan not want to mention. "I can not mention, but he was long prominent in world politics. But only this time he did this, he never vilify SBY or PD, but it turns out behind him like that," explained a member of Commission I was.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Bring Home to Canada

Maybe Justin Bibber and Selena Gomez was a teenager, but loving relationship in which they live seem more serious. After a vacation together to Hawaii, this time Justin 'bring home' Selena to his homeland, Canada.

Selena's presence in Toronto, Canada is making to meet with family and close friends Justin. Both were seen having lunch with friends and family in the Swiss Chalet, which ended with eating ice cream together.

Earlier this week, Justin and Selena were also seen with his father, Jeremy, and stepsister Bibber, Jazzmen and Jaxon, from his father's wedding. Both seemed to really enjoy the togetherness among the people who loved Bibber.

Although the time to get death threats because of vacation photos they are very affectionate, Justin and Selena apparently not learned my lesson. Once again a photo depicting their proximity released on Twitter, when Justin was massaging the feet of Selena. Well, there will be a threat any more huh?

Alfred Riedl Will Leave the Indonesian National Team

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The Indonesian national team coach Alfred Riedl said stifling with unilateral decision Satlak Prima (Indonesia Programmed Implementation Units Gold) KEMENPORA who raised Rahmat Darmawan as national coach U-23 and shift the position Riedl.

Riedl said the decision was not surprised because according to his employment contract with BTN (Agency for National Team), and also never discussed before. Although claimed to feel at home working in Indonesia, but Riedl will think twice after being treated like that.

Another thing that makes it start is not comfortable being in Indonesia, is a matter of endless disputes about PSSI see a bright spot. Moreover, the shadow of FIFA sanctions continue to be the terror for the national team and community football ground water. Riedl started to prepare ourselves for the worst that.

"Regarding the future, I do not know. I do still have a contract, but I also think about my future. In principle I like working here. But the Indonesian football will be decided after 30 June. So after that, maybe I will consider again this, "said Riedl.

Austria coach vertigo is getting stronger as the number of club and national team train bids from other countries that come to him. Although at this time Riedl admitted still enjoying exercise with the Indonesian national team career, it is not impossible Riedl PSSI going to leave after June 30 next congress.

"During this contract offer was always coming, but until now I always answer still has a contract with the Indonesian national team until 2012. And for that I am not going to open the discussion. But then again, I also think about my future," said Riedl.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Heroes Nowitzki, Mavs Reply Heat

Miami - Dallas Mavericks managed to avenge the defeat in the first party to beat the Miami Heat in the second game on Friday (03/06/2011) morning GMT. Dirk Nowitzki Mavs appear as a hero.

After an 84-92 defeat two days ago, this time stealing numbers Mavericks at American Airlines Arena. They beat the hosts by a score of 95-93 thin.

Victory is determined by forces Dallas Nowitzki lay up in the last 3.6 seconds. Heat has a last chance at the buzzer, but the long-range shot Dwayne Wade does not make baskets for the visitors.

The game was tight from the beginning. In the two first quarter both teams gain the same points, 28-28 and 23-23.

Heat began to appear in the upper hand since the third quarter, when they closed the quarter with a four-digit advantage.

Mavericks left even further, to 15 points, in the last six minutes remaining. But they like to get extra power and managed to catch it, and eventually even emerge as the winner.

Nowitzki, who had injured the index finger of the first game, played outstanding for powering his team. He recorded a total of 24 points, 11 rebounds plus four assists. Shawn Marion helped with a donation of 20 points, Jason Terry 16, and Tyson Chandler 13.

In the stronghold Heat, Wade became the best performers with 36 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists. LeBron James added 20 points for his team, while Chrish Bosh "only" 12 points incised.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Choosing the Best From the Best

Jakarta - Coming to a big 12th round of the Yamaha U-13 stayed a matter of days, on 2 to 6 June 2011. Greater Jakarta, as one of the areas selected to participate have been completed, Sunday, May 29, 2011.

In Greater Jakarta, as many as 21 school football (SSB) participated in the Festival of Football U-13 Yamaha Road To Asean. A large number of participants to be evidence of how much interest and enthusiasm of the participants showed his skill to perform and be more in front.

Come out as champions IV and III are the Tigers Senayan SSB and SSB Pearl Cempaka, while West Bogor SSB and SSB Ragunan managed to win the second and first in this selection.

Round top 12
Preparation for each team which will appear later in the round of 12 large, 2 to 6 June 2011, is quite mature, both technical and non technical issues. Starting from the high good posture, skill and team player who can have all the teams so that every game is predicted to run fun and interesting.

Moreover Football Festival Yamaha U-13 Road to Asian is a path beginning of each player to compete in the international arena.

Who are the players selected? We wait for June. To be sure, just on the shoulders of the players are getting in front of the achievement keep the defending champion Yamaha U-13 will be embedded.

Alonso, Vettel, Rosberg Best Drivers

Woking - Lewis Hamilton is regarded as a leader Fernando Alonso in a Ferrari. But, that does not mean he's also forget the other drivers who become rivals in the race for the title.

Hamilton was known to be close to Alonso, despite the dispute involved a time when both are equally defend McLaren 2007. Despite heated competition struggle for the title, good relations both drivers are always awake.

However, Alonso apparently not a single racer who is considered as the best by Hamilton. British men also include Sebastian Vettel and Nico Rosberg as drivers who have qualified skills.

"We all believe that our best and that's what you should do, unless you like to finish in second place," said Hamilton told El Pais, as reported by ESPN on Wednesday (06/01/2011).

"The best thing is Alonso, Vettel and Rosberg. I knew him since I was 13 years. He (Rosberg) is always working hard and will always be like that. Sebastian in good time with Red Bull and have a high confidence, "said Hamilton.

"Fernando is very talented and fully supported by the team. The entire crew support team. This is because he led a Ferrari. I'm not saying this is good or bad, it's just the way they choose, "he concluded.

BWF Reject Idea Necessity Using Skirt for Women

QINGDAO - Badminton World Federation (BWF) finally took the relevant decision victory over mandatory plan to use a skirt princess in every game. BWF decided to reject the idea.

The decision rejected the idea BWF agreed after a meeting in Qingdao, China, on the sidelines of the event Sudirman Cup 2011, last week. Previously, BWF also has delayed a decision until June 1, following protests from a number of players from various countries such as Britain, India and Indonesia.
"BWF has received a recommendation from the Badminton Women's Committee to learn more about general clothing regulations, and thus not to introduce regulations, which are currently designed on the compulsory use of a skirt or dress,” said BWF statement, as quoted by the BBC, on Monday (30 / 5 / 2011).

BWF decision to further investigate the regulation related to women's clothing is getting full support from former world champion's daughter, Nora Perry. "It's still our intention to focus on a better presentation of the game, but we will want to expand the scope include both men and women, and feedback will also include views from various parties such as manufacturers of clothing," he added.

Simoncelli - Honda Talk Contract

BARCELONA - While Marco Simoncelli continues bombarded by criticism from the aggressive style of racing, the San Carlo Grissini still trying to negotiate a new contract.

Apart from the action of post-accident controversy with Dani Pedrosa, talent possessed by Simoncelli decent thumbs up. Even mentioned this frizzy racer MotoGP racer future that will replace Valentino Rossi.

By anticipating the future Simoncelli, Gresini rumored to begin new contract negotiations. And, despite its status as a satellite rider, Simoncelli actually got a contract directly from Honda.
"We are now working to convince can maintain Marco (Simoncelli) in the future. Marco is very happy to be on my team, "said boss Fausto Gresini, as reported by MCN, Wednesday (01/06/2011).

"He's not a driver from the manufacturer teams, but the top racer and is very important he is to survive, so we started talking with Honda. There are many details to be discussed, but we're confident, "he concluded.