Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ramadan Pohan Deliberately throwing Mr A to Divert Issues

Jakarta - Wasekjen Democratic Party (PD) Ramadan Pohan still reluctant to reveal who the identity of Mr A is meant. Ramadan statement about Mr A was allegedly only to divert the issue alone.

"This is an attempt to divert the issue, we'll see whether Sutan (DPP Chairman of the Democratic Party, Sutan Bhatoegana) managed to take Nazaruddin (former general treasurer Democrats) back to Indonesia," said political observer Ikrar Nusa Bakti of origin LIPI after discussion entitled 'Indonesia handcuffed Corruptor ', in RM stall Leaves, Jl Wolter Mongonsidi, South Jakarta, on Saturday (06/04/2011).

Pledge claimed not to know who the initials A, which is Ramadan as the initiator of destruction the Democratic Party. With the era that has been so open, Pledge suggests that not only accuses it of Ramadan.

"Ramadan Pohan is male, if not later as saying, who discards the seeds he is reaping the storm," said Pledge.

Ramadan Pohan mentions any political forces that want to destroy the PD. "We already know she's cadres initials A. He persuaded us that want to destroy the Democratic Party from within. But our cadres are sturdy foundation, so it does not succeed him. But at least we already know who he is," said Ramadan Pohan in the Parliament Building, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Wednesday (06/01/2011).

When urged to whom the original identity of A, Ramadan Pohan not want to mention. "I can not mention, but he was long prominent in world politics. But only this time he did this, he never vilify SBY or PD, but it turns out behind him like that," explained a member of Commission I was.

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